
Cool opportunity with kids

Don't Miss FishFair on Saturday, February 28th from 9 am to 4 pm at the New Hope Church (formerly known as Crystal Evangelical Free, the church is located at the northeast intersection of Hwy 169 and Rockford Road at 4225 Gettysburg Ave. N. in New Hope, MN).

Activities include a live trout pond, minnow races, fishing games, adventure activities, camp displays, information booths, hands-on demonstrations, and seminars by local fishing personalities. The MN DNR MinnAqua Program will provide a variety of activities that teach kids fishing skills including: knot tying, how to identify Minnesota fish and creating your own fish print! Concessions will be available to help you "feed" just like that other fair in Minnesota.

Admission is only $3 or $10 for families of 4 or more. Every family will receive a free gift bag loaded with great gifts, and sponsor discounts. Scouts in uniform will receive $1 off the price of admission.

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